A curious perception of Vladimir Favorsky’s graphic style
Vladimir Krichevsky, Georgiy Ratkovsky
In this richly illustrated essay («Стиль Фаворского в живом восприятии») a prolific author, design critic and typographer Vladimir Krichevsky (*1947) observes and comments from an unexpected perspective on the works of Vladimir Favorsky (1886−1964), the outstanding Soviet artist, woodcut illustrator, book designer and educator. Krichevsky examines the impact of wood engravings and graphic works by this prolific artist and teacher at VKhUTEMAS on our appreciation of graphic design in general.
Dimensions: 205 × 260 mm. Extent: 80 pages.
Softcover. Print run: 500 copies.
Typefaces: FF OCR-F (Albert-Jan Pool).
Published in 2019. ISBN 978-5-6043552-0-6.
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