The peculiar eclecticism of Sergei Pozharsky’s art work
Vladimir Krichevsky, Georgiy Ratkovsky
In this study («Своестильная эклектика Сергея Пожарского»), Vladimir Krichevsky, assisted by Georgiy Ratkovsky, takes a close look at the work of an outstanding Soviet graphic artist and book illustrator, Sergei Pozharsky (1900–1970), who is the author of numerous works in book graphics and book lettering. In the 1960s Pozharsky took an active part in the renewal of USSR book art. He developed fresh, very specific handwritten letterforms, which he successfully used in books of various content.
Dimensions: 205 × 260 mm. Extent: 72 pages.
Softcover. Print run: 500 copies.
Typeface: Kazimir (Ilya Ruderman, Yury Ostromentsky)
Published in 2019. ISBN 978-5-9906754-9-0.
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