12 remaining Dutch Posters
Vladimir Krichevsky
The author has always been a sincere enthusiast of Dutch graphic design and Dutch posters. What happens when a collector decides to say goodbye to his collection? Only twelve works by outstanding designers from the end of the 20th century, such as Jan van Toorn, R.D.E. Oxenaar, Irma Boom and others, remained in Krichevsky’s archive after he donated the entire collection to the Historical and Architectural Museum of the city of Tula. The author has dedicated a short, detailed essay («Весёлое расставание с голландскими плакатами, или 12 оставшихся») to each of these pieces.
Dimensions: 170 × 220 mm.
Extent: 80 pages (12 fold-out sheets).
Softcover. Print run: 680 copies.
Typefaces: OCR-F (Albert-Jan Pool), Napoleon Display (ot A do Я).
Published in 2016. ISBN 978-5-9906754-2-1.

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